Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cultural Disachievement As Reflected In The Arts

All the art they make now is crappy. It used to be good, but not now. This is because of capitalism. Capitalism makes things cheap and plentiful. This is good for fatness, but bad for art because there are way more people who think they can make art than people who really can or should. This leads to an art glut which makes everything worse because people how go to look at art get so sick of seeing the same thing over and over that when somebody finally does something different they think it's genius.
And you have to see it over and over. Every third Earthling you meet does art. And they all want you to go to their showing. A showing is where you eat cheese, crackers and wine and comment so vaguely on the art that no one can tell if you're insulting it, which is the only defense of your sanity you can make.

I used to think it was me, that I just wasn't getting it. Then I realized that art is one of the two great ways of understanding Earthlings. (The other one is language.) Art reveals the comical extent to which they will go to maintain a delusion. I'm just not sure if the artists are in on it.

There's an guy here who makes a whole painting of just one color. Just one solid block of one color. That's it. And there's another guy who just drizzles paint all over. One big rectangle of paint drizzle.
And it helps if you're crazy. Crazy artists get the biggest bucks. And dead ones. But not the Napoleon kind of crazy. The bad kind. The one where it might kill you.

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