Monday, July 26, 2010

World Religions - An Overview

Jesus is the son of god. Or he isn't. It depends on where you live. See, a long time ago, there was this guy, Jesus, and he told everyone how to behave, because they were doing it wrong. This made him important because Earthlings like to be told they're being wrong. It makes the sex better.
Then he died pretty quick. This made him more important, because, here, you can't say bad things about people after they die. You have to get it in while they're alive. That's just the rule.
So he said people were doing it wrong, then he died before enough people could say bad things about him, or he could screw it up, so they made him god's son. Then they had fights about it. Because they couldn't figure out how he was god's son. I mean, did god get pregnant? Or did he just make Jesus? Or was Jesus always there? Or what?
The Jews tried to stay out of it, but, as usual, got blamed.
Then the Jesus people got it settled, so the Mohammed people popped up. They didn't believe Jesus was the son of god. So they got mad and ran around yelling with swords and camels. They mowed right over a bunch of the Jesus people. So the Jesus people got mad and mowed them back. And they've been mowing each other ever since.
And there's also Buddhists and Hindus.

Observer003 - Earthlings

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