Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Medical Practices - Basic First Aid

They put meat on their eyes when they get punched in them. At first I thought that it was maybe because of the cold, but there's other cold things they could put on them. Fruit. Left over spaghetti. Cheeses. Pudding. (All only if they're kept in the refrigerator prior to use. Warm, they are worse than useless.) There's plenty of leftovers they're going to throw away anyway. Why waste a steak? That's good money they're throwing away.

Steak might mold nicely to a face. And it's almost like face, only from a cow, but not from a cow's face. It's like they're saying, "See? This is meat not punched in. Be like that. I'll put it up close so you can see."

This treatment if very site specific. If they get punched in their wiener, for instance, they do not put any meat on it. Neither ice. They just put their hands on it, then try to wrap their entire body around it. There are lots of moving picture depictions of this I can send you. I think it's a Tantric healing thing as there is also a mantra involved.

Some wounds need to be sucked. (Strangely, these are not the ones they call "sucking wounds.") For instance, if they hit their finger with a hammer, they suck it. If they get stabbed, they don't suck it. Small cuts - suck. Big ones - no.

Observer003 - Earthlings

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