Monday, August 8, 2011

Basic Earthling Economics: Simplicity Made Complex

Economics is their study of how to make more and more money. Economists are Earthlings who use a lot of charts and big words to make it seem complicated, so they can have jobs.

Earthlings have a lot of different jobs that they don't need, I guess because there's so many of Earthlings. For instance, some of them have a job where they have sex in front of other people as entertainment. Others go around digging up really old things to try and figure out who used to own them and what they were like. Earthlings don't really like people who don't have jobs. It's like, “C'mon. Look at this guy. He sits in a room and lets strangers tell him how crappy their life is. So don't tell me you can't come up with something.” They find their unemployed a little suspect.

Which makes me wonder when they evolved into all these jobs. Because when they started out, it was hunt/gather. Not a lot of nuance. I mean, maybe they would wake up in the morning and the day just felt a little “wooly mammoth”. Or perhaps “gazelle” was just calling to them. “Nuts, nuts, nuts. I'm tired of nuts. Let's make today a fruit day.” “Shaman” was the first step on the long road that's led to blogger.

Anyway, economics.

Of all the things that Earthlings do, economics is the simplest to explain. It's this: all Earthlings strive toward getting more stuff with less effort. That's it.

Some of them have gotten to where they don't have to work at all. And, as best as I can tell, they did it by having the right ancestor at the right time. They all have some ancestor who did something ridiculously unscrupulous at a time when it was still legal to do it. Or maybe not even legal. They just got away with it for long enough and were smart enough to stop in time. Or make friends with the right people so they could keep doing it forever. There is no getting rich on Earth by being nice. They say they want everyone to be nice, but they build systems that reward people who aren't.

Right now, though, most of them have to work for their money. So, employers want to get the most out of their employees while giving them the least. And employees want to get the most out of their employers while giving them the least. This is why employers think that their workers are lazy and employees thing their employers are heartless.

But they are all always working toward their ideal economy, which would be where everyone just hands around a big stack of money to each other. Which they would the invent a machine to do for them. Which they could so easily do. It's right there in front of them. They have banks. All they have to do is make a really big one and put a billion – whatever money units – in it. Everybody gets an account and it's all electronic. They put the billion dollars in one person's account. And then it would immediately transfers to the next person's account. And then the next. And then the next. All the way around the world.

And since it's electronic, it all happens at the speed of light. So, at any given moment, everybody has a billion dollars. Anytime they want something they just go out and buy it. The person they buy it from gets the money in their account and it all starts shooting around the world again.

This is also how they can make evolution select for nice people, too, instead of jerks, like it does now. Jerk Earthlings have a huge advantage, the way economy works now, because
a) if the jerk is their boss, they have to put up with it, because they need the job
b) if it's a customer, they have to put up with it, because they need the money
c) even if it's a co-worker, they have to put up with it because they still need the job
d) sometimes Earthlings will just give the jerk whatever they want, just to get rid of them

So the jerks always get their way and rise to the top and the nice people are stuck at the bottom.

In the new system, the jerk Earthlings have no leverage. If Earthlings want somebody to fix their house, they have to find somebody who does that just because they like doing it. They can't jerk them into doing it. They have to nice them into doing it.

So I predict all the jerk genes would die out within one generation.

  • Observer003 – Earthlings

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