Friday, April 5, 2013

European History from the Late Middle Ages to Modernity

There is this group of Earthlings who went crazy for a long time and took over most of the planet. Then after one last blazing fling about 70 years ago, they mellowed out. They don’t take over anything anymore.

It all started when the Europeans realized that a group of people who believed something surprisingly not all that different from what they believed controlled a city that the Europeans believed was important to what they believed.. That really pissed them off. So they raised a huge army and attacked those other people, called Muslims, and took the city, Jerusalem. Then the Muslims took it back. Then the Europeans took it again. And the Muslims took it back. This went on for a while with the Europeans getting decreasingly successful at it.

They gave up.

Then they found out about all the land there was in the rest of the world and the people in it who didn’t believe anything like what they believed. And they might have gold.  So the Europeans switched focus to saving all these other people from their beliefs and their gold.

And this made the lives of these other people a living hell because they were usually pretty happy living their lives without ships, swords, Jesus and horses. And they definitely could have done without the slavery.

But it all fell apart when the Europeans realized even they didn't all believe the same thing. Because getting beliefs exactly right is very important to Earthlings. If you are even slightly off they get very violent. This is what brought the Europeans down. They spent a lot of time killing each other over it. (If I told you how many wars have been fought in the name of the King of Peace, you'd call me a liar.)

In the end, it seemed like they were fighting just to fight. So finally they said, “This is crazy. We are done with this.” They really seem to have learned their lesson and are really trying to get along.

But one of their descendants, the Americans, picked up the crazy ball and are really running with it. And going by the fact that the Europeans ran with it for hundreds of years and went out with a really big bang, I don't think the Americans are going to stop any time soon. They’ve got a full head of steam.

The moral here is if an Earthling shows up on your shore saying, “I come in the name of [X] to bring you [Y],” run. As deep into your jungles as you can. And whatever you do, don't tell them you're not interested. They will brand you a heretic, or a communist, or whatever the current wrong thing to be is. (Socialist is big now.) This will make you fair game for torture, forfeiture of natural resources and enslavement. Come to think of it, it doesn't matter how you respond. You're still fit for torture, forfeiture of natural resources and enslavement.

As I said, run.

Observer003 – Earthlings

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