Monday, August 23, 2010


Earthlings a long time ago hated housework. They never did it. When Earthling archeologists dig up old cities now, it's just complete slobbery. Broken pottery, cow bones, seeds, statuary. Ashes. Soot. Art supplies. Things fell and they just left them there. And when they finally got sick of stepping all over them, they just built a whole new house on top of the old house.
The Tower of Babel was just hating housework on an epic scale. They built it up so tall it just fell over. There was so much pottery everywhere the ended up having to build a whole new city. Nightmare.
But this all works out good for Earthling archeologists. They dig down into a city to to find all the layers of the city that came before. So, they can say, "See? This is Mycenaean pottery. So this is when they met the Mycenaeans."
So, slobbiness is good for the future. So, why did they start up with all the house cleaning?
It was the broom that stopped them from building house on house on house. I call it "The Broom Revolution." It was huge. (The revolution, not the broom.) Nobody ever talks about it, but it's up there. The wheel. Agriculture. The broom.
Fire was another good one. But the broom. That was huge.
"Hey honey. I'm home from scything. What's - say what's different around here?"
Honey makes a knowing smirk.
"Oh, my god! What's wrong with the floor? Where's all the stuff on the floor?
"Take a look outside."
He does.
"It's all outside. How did you get it all outside? You picked up each piece and carried it outside individually?"
"Well, how then?"
So she showed him. And their world was never the same.
Observer003 - Earthlings


  1. Oh my god. I just read all that. Give me my five minutes of life back.

    Joke. That was hilarious.

  2. Whoo-hoo! My first comment! And it's delightfully ambiguous!
