Thursday, August 30, 2012

Foundational Mythology of the Earthling Western Hemisphere – Part II

Last time I talked about the Israelites, they'd just escaped the Egyptian army when their god (Yahweh) blew his nose at the sea so they could get across. Then Yahweh stopped blowing his nose at the sea and the water came back and drowned the Egyptians when they tried to cross after them. Which the Egyptians really should have seen coming; It's the basis of every Road Runner cartoon I've ever seen. Yeah, they didn't have cartoons back then, but still. Come on.

Anyway, after this, the Israelites decided to regroup at this mountain called Sinai so Moses could tell them their next move. This is when Yahweh decided to explain the whole deal to them. It was essentially a protection racket. “You worship me, and only me, and obey these rules, and I'll never let anyone hurt you and give you this really sweet place to live.”

* * * * *

But on the way there, the Israelites got attacked by Amalek (I'm not sure if that's a person or a country). But so long as Moses kept his arms raised the Israelites won. But when he lowered them, they started to lose. Weirdest battle strategy I ever heard of. So the battle went back and forth because Moses's arms would get tired, because battles last a long time and he just couldn't keep his arms up that long. Then he realized he should just sit down and have two guys hold his arms up.

And Yahweh was so pumped from this that he was all like, "Woo-hoo! Oh yeah! I'm going to wipe Amalek from history! No one will even remember they even existed!! Write it down! Write it down that no one will ever remember Amalek even existed."

So the Israelites wrote it down in their book. A book, by the way, that's been translated into every known Earthling language.

* * * * *

After that, they made it to Mount Sinai. There, Yahweh called Moses up the mountain to lay down the law to him. And it was a lot of law. The whole first part was basically about how everybody should be cool with each other, no stealing, and if you break something you have to pay for it. But he sprinkled in some random stuff, I think as a test to see if anybody actually did the reading.

He'd be like, “So you read it all?”

And the Israelites would be like, “Oh, absolutely.”



“Word for word?”

“Word for word.”

“Okay, great. So what's for dinner?”

“Oh, we're just going to have a little lamb boiled in it's mother's m-”


Like that.

The next part of the rules were all about how to build the ultimate crash pad that Yahweh could stay in when he came to visit. He was very specific about size and materials. Very specific. Like he'd been thinking about it a long time. Like, the whole time the Israelites were suffering in Egypt, Yahweh was off thinking about his ultimate crash pad. It was just a tent, but he knew exactly how it should look. And they also had to build a special box to put all the rules he was giving them in. And what the priests should wear.

Then there was a whole part about how to cook out. And Yahweh must have gone vegan at this point, but reluctantly, because he wasn't going to eat the animals they sacrificed to him, but he did love the smell. He was like a guy who quits smoking but still likes to be around other people who smoke just for the smell. Maybe he was dating a vegan so he had to be one, too.

And Moses must have been, like, “Jeezus, This is a lot of stuff. I can't remember all of it.”

“Oh, no problem. I wrote it all down for you.”

And Yahweh handed him these two tablets.

“What? You got all that on two tablets? Everything?”

“Yeah. Well, front and back. And I took out all the spaces and vowels.”

But, in getting all this, Moses was up on the mountain forty days in a cloud of smoke. It says the whole top of the mountain was covered in smoke. I guess Yahweh wasn't a smokeless burning bush. And Yahweh didn't want any of the Israelites to go up on the mountain with Moses. (There was some kind of security fence around it that killed anyone who set foot on it.) Maybe because if someone got up there, they were bound to find out that Yahweh was a burning bush and wouldn't have understood.
He's just up there talking to a burning bush.”

“A what?”

“I'm not kidding. He's talking to a burning bush.”

“And the bush is talking back?”

“I guess so. I didn't get that close. One thing I did hear: No more shellfish.”


“Dude, we're in a desert. It's not really an issue.”

“That's not the point. Like circumcision wasn't enough, now no more Lobsterfests?”

“Wait. Let's get back to that burning bush. This is what Moses has been talking to the whole time? Seriously, who here actually knew Moses before any of this?”

“Wasn't he wanted for murder? I heard he killed a guy. That's why he left.”

“I heard he was 40 years herding sheep. That's gotta mess with your mind.”

“That's what the smoke was at the front of the line? All this time we were like, 'Okay, cool. Somebody brought the hibachi.' Because we left in such a hurry, we forgot ours. But now we know why the burgers never made it back to us.”

And it spiraled from there.

A flaming shrub? Has anybody besides Moses heard it talk? Maybe – and I'm just spit balling here – but maybe we should take half a mo and talk about this. Because I never heard Abraham, Isaac or Jacob mention a burning shrub. And I think it would have come up. A golden calf. That was always good enough before. Aaron? You're good with a hammer. How about hammering us up a nice golden calf. Who's with me? Because, after all this, I could use a party. Anyone else? Show of hands? Yeah, I thought so.”

So they collected all of their gold earrings and Aaron made them into a nice golden calf for them to party with. They ate, drank and danced with it. Because you could do that with gods back then. But not with Yahweh. He heard about it and got pissed. He was going to wipe them all out right there and Moses had to talk him down.

Then Moses went down the mountain to check it out for himself and when he saw it, he was so blown away that he dropped the tablets Yahweh had just given him. Shattered them. The only ones not partying was this tribe called the Levites. So he tells them to grab their swords and go at it. Which they did. They cut a pretty bloody swath through the Golden Calfers. Which was less than what Yahweh wanted to do, but not by much. But I think Moses was mostly mad that he dropped the tablets, because he had to go back up the mountain and get another set, which was another forty days.

And pious as he was, forty days was forty days. He had a wife he hadn't seen.

* * * * *
I was really thinking I was going to be able to explain these people in two reports. I see now how wrong I was. I may never finish, but I will continue.

Because, the amazing thing is, so many Earthlings trace their roots to them, even though neither they, nor their ancestors, spent any time amongst them. There are Earthlings who hate* the descendents of these people, but still trace their roots back to these people.

So, yeah, I'll have to get back to this story.

- Observer003 - Earthlings

*And I do mean hate. Hate as in they want to wipe-them-off-the-face-of-the-Earth hate.

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